practicing mindful awareness 
of body & spirit

Contemplative writing by Anna Buck

Topics Anna typically writes about...

Body, Mind & Soul

Contemplative in nature, Anna enjoys reflecting on the human experience. How are the spiritual and physical connected to eachother? There's always so much more to learn. 


Fancy something short, spicy, sour or sweet? Chew on a bit of mindful poetry or prose.


Spirituality is more than religion. Spirit captures us when we hold a new born baby or make eye contact with a grazing deer in the words.


Anna peppers these bad boys throughout her writing just to keep it spicy for ya!

hover over each image to start your journey through

Anna Buck's contemplative blog posts

Spiritual Reflection
Contemplative writing is a mindfulness practice that allows you to notice and pay attention to your inner self. 

Contemplation allows you to unravel and peel away your perceived identities in favor of the true self. 

It's a practice that requires authencity, honesty, and the ability to see your true nature without judgement or striving to be different. 

Allow yourself to be exactly who you are with contemplative writing.

What is contemplative writing? 

March 8, 2021
Wild Divine Woman

Happy International Women’s Day to anyone who needs to hear it. As a woman who […]

August 1, 2021

Darling, every now and then, you are allowed to tuck.

August 9, 2021
The beets are burning. There’s a fire in my heart.

I’m stringing along a river of code…If/Else if/Else..If..If.. The infinite loop breaks my paddle forward […]

October 31, 2021
Lady Spirit

Dear Spirit Guide, I am Skin, flesh, fat, bones, filth Fragments of body, reduced to […]

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